Monday, July 20, 2009

7 days and counting..

so, it has now been a week since the hard cast came off. a week of ankle exercises (which, i am glad to report, no longer hurt like hell..) and my ankle is moving a little easier. nothing like it was, of course, and unfortunately i still can't make it lay flat. but i'm working on it.. lol

yesterday, as i was laying out at the pool, i had the most wonderful realization - i could go IN the water! the boot was already off, as i'm trying to remedy the most awful tan line in existence (from the hard cast). yes, i had to 'butt-scoot' (i am now the master.. haha) from the pool chair over to the stairs.. and then hop across the pool to the jet section (there's a bench) .. but the water felt soooo good as my left leg glided through it. so.. accomplishment!

i can start 'walking' again in just one mere week.. i'm excited! and i use the term 'walking' because i can only put a slight bit of my weight on my left leg (about 25%) so i will still have to use the crutches. but, instead of swinging myself around like a hurt little monkey (lol), i will be 'walking.'

wow, still can't really believe that i managed to do this to myself?

and, apparently, broken ankles seem to be the 'it' injury of this summer (lol) ... my coworker's boyfriend broke his a couple of weeks ago and an acquaintance from school broke hers as well. of course, i'm offering up advice.. because i know how much it sucks. i've learned to do many things that i never thought i would have to while only using one leg. not fun, but oh well.

live and learn, right?

Monday, July 13, 2009


so, great news!

... the hard cast came off today! :)

the doctor's office was insane today.. it was their 1st day in a new office, so nobody knew what was going on. so what should have only taken about an hour actually ended up taking a total of 2 and a half hours.. on top of my appointment being an hour late. so i was there from 10am until almost 2pm, and i didn't even go back until around 11. but oh well. the waiting room was.. fun? tori went with me, so i did get entertained :)

the saw part was kind of creepy. "oh don't worry, this won't cut your skin" .. hmm, ok? so it can cut through a fiberglass cast.. but not skin? eech.. ok, lol.

they gave me a walking boot, even though i can't put any weight on my left leg for another 2 weeks (july 27th!! i'm so excited! LOL) but at least that will protect my ankle as i move about.. but i can take it off when i'm sleeping (sweet!) and showering (yessss! a washed leg! LOL) and it feels incredible to have air hitting my leg now!

so, for the gross stuff.. lol. there was a LOT of dead skin. i scratched my leg (a LOT) at the doctor's office (felt soooo good.. haha) and totally grossed out tori (haha) but most of it came off when i was soaking it tonight after work. i just look down, and see a bunch of stuff floating on top of the water.. gross? yeah..

i have to soak my ankle for 20 min in warm water before i do my 'exercises' twice a day.. basically, my ankle doesn't move right now. i can't flex it, and wearing the walking boot is very uncomfortable because i can't get my ankle to lay flat. it's kind of stuck at a slightly downward angle right now. but i know that's because of the screws that are going across it, so it will just take time i suppose. i have 2 weeks to get it to lay flat, lol, otherwise i can't start walking on the 27th.. =/

and, now for fun pictures! :)

the hard cast, once it had been split open

mmm dry skin much? (after scratching, lol)

wow.. look at the size difference!

yes, i am a dork who kept a piece of her cast..