Monday, July 20, 2009

7 days and counting..

so, it has now been a week since the hard cast came off. a week of ankle exercises (which, i am glad to report, no longer hurt like hell..) and my ankle is moving a little easier. nothing like it was, of course, and unfortunately i still can't make it lay flat. but i'm working on it.. lol

yesterday, as i was laying out at the pool, i had the most wonderful realization - i could go IN the water! the boot was already off, as i'm trying to remedy the most awful tan line in existence (from the hard cast). yes, i had to 'butt-scoot' (i am now the master.. haha) from the pool chair over to the stairs.. and then hop across the pool to the jet section (there's a bench) .. but the water felt soooo good as my left leg glided through it. so.. accomplishment!

i can start 'walking' again in just one mere week.. i'm excited! and i use the term 'walking' because i can only put a slight bit of my weight on my left leg (about 25%) so i will still have to use the crutches. but, instead of swinging myself around like a hurt little monkey (lol), i will be 'walking.'

wow, still can't really believe that i managed to do this to myself?

and, apparently, broken ankles seem to be the 'it' injury of this summer (lol) ... my coworker's boyfriend broke his a couple of weeks ago and an acquaintance from school broke hers as well. of course, i'm offering up advice.. because i know how much it sucks. i've learned to do many things that i never thought i would have to while only using one leg. not fun, but oh well.

live and learn, right?

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