Monday, June 8, 2009

change in plans

mom and i used to joke around that in our next lives we would want to be an indoor cat. cats don't have to worry about making their food, etc. they can just lie around all day long, doing nothing, and having everybody else take care of them.

i've changed my mind. i do NOT want to lie around all day long.. it's so f-ing boring! oh sure, i find little projects to do each day.. the other day i did my nails, i've been reading books like crazy (i'm on my 4th book since this happened, if that tells you anything), having friends over, stuff like that. but i am still so very, very bored..

one day fades into the next, and the same old stuff.. wake up, drink coffee mom or dad makes for me. eat breakfast. go outside, come in and clean up. eat lunch. watch tv, read, and/or get online. eat dinner. watch more tv, maybe a movie, maybe have a visitor or two. chat on the phone. get online. go to sleep. wake up.. and do it all over again.


but, on a lighter note.. my degree arrived in the mail! that makes me happy... and it's ironic that it would have come on june 6th, which is the same day i graduated from high school (although back in 2001.. LOL). maybe once i get the chair back i can convince mom to take me to A.C. moore so i can find a nice frame/matting combo for it, along with stuff to make a scrapbook of italy.

i took some pictures of both my foot/cast and my degree.. yes, i know i'm a total dork.. but hey, it gave me something to do!

i did it!!! (finally.. LOL)


close up...

good foot + bad foot


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