Sunday, June 14, 2009

little milestones

i get my hard cast on tomorrow.. and i've decided to go with blue (originally i was going to get black... but then decided that will be way too hot when i'm outside). i'm looking forward to that, only because that means that it's one more step in the right direction of this crap being OVER! hmm, then 6 weeks in that hard cast (it's already been 3 weeks.. so i'm 1/3 of the way there! LOL) after which, i'm sure, i'll have a walking boot.

why, oh why, did i have to do this to myself? why couldn't i have thought 'hey, maybe i shouldn't just hop..' sometimes i get pissed at myself for letting this happen. i mean.. i know that accidents happen, but this could have been avoided. oh well... hindsight is always 20/20, you know?

but in the last few weeks i have hit a few milestones, which i'm happy about. i can now...
  • get up out of the recliner, get the crutches, and hobble around
  • sit back into the recliner and put my leg up where it needs to be
  • stand up at the sink to wash my hands
  • i can get get clothes over my cast (before i couldn't move my leg up that far, so mom had to help lol)
and, possibly the biggest milestone so far, is that i might be able to go home for a couple of hours today! mom and dad are thinking about taking me over to the condo and 'dropping me off' (which would entail making sure i got up the stairs without falling backwards, lol, and getting me comfy on the chaise lounge.. oh GOD i miss that chair!) and then coming back over a couple of hours later to pick me back up. i'm trying not to get too excited about it (lucy!!! lily!!! - the cats) because mom and dad are still kind of hesitant about the whole thing. they believe it might be better if we waited until after my hard cast was on. but the soft cast is the same thing, on the inside.. it just has gauze instead of the hard stuff on the outside. so basically, i'm assuming, my ankle is just as protected in a soft cast as it will be in a hard cast. if that wasn't the case then they would only use hard casts, right? well, i think so anyways.

well, now i'm off to bug the parents about dinner and going home.. so, if i do get to go home, here are my plans:

  • play with lucy and lily (i know that lucy will flip out when she sees me, and probably crawl all over me LOL)
  • WII!!!! mario kart + guitar hero just might be enough to cheer me up, lol! (.. guitar hero...)
  • be online, since i'll probably have them bring the laptop (silently fumes about the desktop being broken...)
  • put my graduation pictures (which FINALLY came in the mail.. yay!) into frames for the bookshelf (yes, i had to get ANOTHER bookshelf.. this one is in the living room.. because i ran out of room for all my books, lol!)
  • and avoid my creepy upstairs neighbor (he is, in my opinion, completely creepish.. and whenever i see him he always invites me upstairs for a beer. i always politely decline tho, as i'd prefer to NOT have somebody find a trash bag floating somewhere with the pieces of my remains in it...more on that later, lol. but, i guess since he lives by himself and all that the sheer boredom of it all might aid in him being crazy...)
so.. keep your fingers crossed that i can 'visit' home! :)

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