Friday, June 5, 2009

no wheels..

ugh. you know that little thing i mentioned about mobility? well, i had slightly regained that with 'the chair' ... until it had to go back last tuesday. the insurance company is supposed to cover the cost of one, so dad didn't re-rent it for the next week, but here's my saga with them...

ok, so brian has the most retarded insurance in the world. they go by 4 three month periods throughout the year, and he has to work at least 300 hours in one period to be covered for the next. so, brian had to work 300+ hours in jan/feb/march to be covered in april/may/june. get it? ok. so brian was told he had ony worked 280 hours in the 1st period, which is why i had to overnight a check for $1100 to his union hall. well...

turns out the company he works for (i hate them) only turned in 1 week of hours for february. so... he had enough hours after all! and, after making me overnight them the check.. they have the nerve to tell us it can take up to 6 weeks for our refund.. what? and they still haven't reinstated our benefits! that is insane... it was not our mistake in the first place, yet we are suffering from it.. ugh! insurance companies make me sick.

no benefits = no card = no chair. ===== leigh being very, very pissed.

i don't want free healthcare, but i would like affordable healthcare! and i would love it if people could own up to their own mistakes.. and not only realize, but care about, the fact that it can negatively affect others (see equation above).


but, on the good side, i didn't have to take a percocet until 11 AM today.. that's a full 12 hours after i had taken my last one (before i went to sleep) and a good 3 hours after i had woken up. that's the best i've done so far! and, for now, the pain has been morphing from a deep and painful throbbing to a burning sensation in what i can only hope is where the orthopedic surgeon had to cut my leg and foot open. or i'm getting random, linear burning sensations on my skin. nice. and i really hope that, at my appointment a week from this monday, they wash my leg before putting on the hard cast.. ugh, it feels gross! i just want to unwrap the gauze, take off the cast (fiberglass? i have no idea what's on under the gauze..), peel off whatever's between the cast and my skin.. and wash my leg/foot, lol. but oh well.. i'm sure they cleaned it (and i know they put iodine all over it) before the surgery.

mom's picking up a few movies today for me at blockbuster.. 'marley & me' (yes, i know that it has a really sad ending, which i'm sure includes the dog dying, but don't tell me for sure!) and 'bride wars' (ok, and yes.. i know i'm a total cheeseball when it comes to stupid chick flicks .. shut up, tori! LOL)

hopefully the insurance nightmare will be over (and soon!). i'm already having to miss out on heidi's wedding (congrats! you know i wish i could be there!) and natalie/jonathan's engagement party tomorrow (lol.. wedding in the early afternoon, engagement party in the evening) because i don't have that mobility option. which sucks, because i was really looking forward to going to both of them.. *sighs.. =/

God, this sucks..

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