Saturday, June 13, 2009

no pain, no gain?

ah.. so in my last couple of posts i have realized i forgot to mention something: (with the exception of my toes being weirdly sensitive) ... there's NO more pain! no more soreness, tenderness, or burning.. and i haven't had to take a percocet since tuesday :)

the sensitive toes thing is kind of annoying (even a sheet bothers them.. so i have to keep that foot out when i sleep, lol).. if that's not gone by my appointment on monday then i'm going to check with the doctor on that one.

cast color? i'm still internally debating between black or the blue. either way, it's gonna suck. they are both dark colors - so, either way it's going to be really hot if i'm outside. but black is easier to pair up with stuff.. hmm. i dunno, i'll leave it to a snap decision when i'm there lol.

other than that.. absolutley nothing new, lol. i've watched way too much tv (can your brain explode from understimulation? i might be about to find out..), seen a bunch of new movies i've been wanting to watch (he's just not that into you, slumdog millionaire, revolutionary road, bride wars, marley & me - then i have role models and the secret life of bees to watch today/tomorrow). i've been watching 'greek' (although i did miss an episode, from memorial day, that i need to watch online..) every week. i'm going to subscribe to netflix, so i can start watching entire seasons of some of my favorite tv shows - csi: miami, criminal minds, and i really want to watch heroes.. from the beginning. i've been meaning to do so for.. oh about 2 years? lol, but no time.

also, today when mom goes to check up on the cats (i miss them!) she's bringing me back my GRE prep books. THAT will stop this whole 'understimulation' thing.. LOL!

well, i'm off to watch some more tv.. 'that 70s show' is on.. sweeeet :)

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