Thursday, June 11, 2009

come on, monday!

ok.. so this whole cast thing? it's now just really uncomfortable and is a major P.I.A. more than anything else..

i just want to rip it off and be able to wash my leg.. scratch it.. moisturize, you know? it feels terrible trapped inside that stupid cast 24/7, day in and out.

so on monday i have my appointment to get the stitches taken out (no scars, please!!!) and to have a hard cast put on. but that brief moment between casts.. oh yeah, i'm really looking forward to it!

my skin can breathe! my leg won't be uncomfortable hotter than the rest of my body! (imagine having a blanket stuck to you.. and you're hot but can't remove it.. yeah, it sucks) i can WASH it!

granted, then a hard cast gets slapped on my leg for the next 6 weeks.. but still. then it will be all over with, i hope!

my toes have been really bothering me now.. it's as if the pain has shifted.. from my ankle, to burning, to my toes? weird. but i can't even touch the top of them lightly without it hurting. i wonder if i also broke a toe or two? there's one in particular that REALLY hurts.. the one next to my big toe. or maybe i jammed the joint or something.. i dunno. but if it hasn't stopped by monday i will definitely bring it up with the doctor!

well, the parents are almost home from tennis so i need to get going.. have to finish lunch! oh, wait, that's right.. i can't even stand up in the kitchen to cook anything. sonofabi.. well, you get the point.

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