Thursday, June 4, 2009

wiggle, wiggle..

so.. i can now wiggle the toes on my left foot.. without any feelings of weirdness OR pain! although, for the pain, i did take a pain pill about 2 hours ago.. so that might have something to do with it. but oh well.. at least no weirdness!

jeana came to visit today, and we watched "he's just not that into you" - great movie, if you haven't seen it! i love to have visitors.. *hint hint*

i feel like this cast is too big on me.. and that my foot isn't in it correctly.. maybe i should call the doctor tomorrow and check. but oh guess what? my insurance ended on may 31st! even after sending them a check for $1100... WTF??? apparently i had to pay for APRIL to be covered for may, even though for those 2 months ($550/month..) i thought it would be for may and june, since that's when i need it for. but oh no. now i have to mail off another check.. for $550 to be covered this month!

insurance companies are a total ripoff!

ugh, anyways.. i should be asleep, but i took a nap earlier that is now keeping me awake :( oh well, at least i get to have fun online conversations! :)

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